Home-Based Businesses

How to get a permit to operate a home-based business on your residential property.

Updated: Jan 31, 2024

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There are two types of home-based business uses identified in the City’s Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Section 6.7.3.D or Section 6.7.3.E: Home Occupation and Live-Work.

A Home Occupation is an occupation that provides a service or product that is conducted wholly within a residential dwelling and does not allow non-resident employees or any clients, customers, patients, or visitors to visit the premises. Applications are no longer required for home occupations, as defined in Section 6.7.3.D of the Unified Development Ordinance. Although an application is no longer required, regulations must still be followed to ensure compliance.

A Live-Work is a commercial use that is contained within or attached to a residential structure or contained within a legally conforming accessory structure or accessory dwelling unit and which allows employees, customers, clients, or patrons to visit.

Before Submitting an Application

Detailed code review will not begin until application submittals have been deemed complete by customer service staff. It is important that all required information is submitted for a project.

Prepare Application Materials

The below application form and supporting documents are required for Live-Work: