The applicant will be notified with an email notification when the house and/or unit number application is approved. Applicant has to login and download the Certificate of Numbering (CON) within 30 days of email notification.
Upon the issuance of the Certificate of Numbering (CON), the property address can be used.The property developer or owner is required to submit an application on the withdrawal of number when a house/unit number is no longer required. In situations when a building has been demolished, the house number as well as unit number(s), if any, become invalid and should therefore be withdrawn.
The property owner is required to display the house/unit number at a conspicuous place. Failure to display the assigned number or displaying an unassigned number is an offence under the Property Tax Act. The number shall be marked or displayed as provided for in the Property Tax (Property Numbers) Regulations of the Property Tax Act. You may also reference the display guidelines in the House and/or Unit Number Handbook.
You may refer to the User Guide on How to Apply or Withdraw House and Unit Number.The applicant has to login through our e-Service to download the CON within 30 days from the day the application is approved. In the event that you require a copy of CON issued previously, the property owner has to submit a search request with the property details. The search fee of $20 per property is applicable.