Illinois Medical Marijuana Caregiver Information

An Illinois medical marijuana caregiver is an individual assigned by a qualifying medical marijuana patient and authorized to possess, obtain from approved medical marijuana dispensaries, dispense, and assist in administering cannabis or cannabis-infused products to the patient. Caregivers under the Illinois Medical Cannabis Patient Program (MCPP) are issued registry identification cards authorizing them to provide caregiver services to patients. Caregivers are usually assigned by patients who are not able to take care of themselves and qualifying patients under the age of 18.

Designated caregivers under the Illinois MCPP may help with medical cannabis preparation tasks, such as breaking up cannabis flower for vaporization, that may be impossible for patients with rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis. A designated caregiver can also transport medical cannabis within the state (apart from within federal properties) for qualified patients. When transported, medical cannabis must be locked in containers placed in the trunks of vehicles.

Although most patients under the MCPP designate only one caregiver, Section 57 of the Illinois Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act permits a patient under the age of 18 to designate up to three caregivers, as long as one of the caregivers is a biological parent or legal guardian of the patient. Section 57 also permits patients over the age of 18 to assign a maximum of three primary caregivers. A caregiver may not serve more than one registered patient per time.

How to Become a Medical Marijuana Caregiver in Illinois

To be eligible as a medical marijuana caregiver in Illinois, you must: