Leave of Absence Letter Template

Use our leave of absence letter template to request an extended leave from work.

leave of absence letter template

Updated July 31, 2024
Written by Sara Hostelley | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

A leave of absence letter is a formal letter from an employee to a supervisor requesting a leave of absence from work. It’s an essential document when an employee requires time away from their job, as it provides a written record of the notice they give their company in advance of their impending leave of absence.

While you, as an employee, can explain your situation in person, a written letter documents the reason for the request and offers a reference point for later.

The letter can be forwarded to other executives within the company rather than relying on a manager to explain the situation. From a legal standpoint, this formal letter also records your request if your case falls under situations protected by law, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

Most Common Uses for a Leave of Absence Letter

These are a few of the most common reasons why people request a formal leave of absence:

When submitting a formal leave of absence letter for time off not covered by sick or personal days, please follow company policy and any applicable legal requirements per the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Family and Medical Leave Act.

How to Request a Personal Leave of Absence

Here’s how to request a leave of absence for personal reasons:

Step 1 – Determine How Long You Need

Determine when you’d like your leave to begin and how long you need it to last. Consider how your absence could affect your team’s productivity and workflow. If possible, adjust your departure date to lessen the impact on your team.

Step 2 – Review Your Company’s Policies

Read through your company’s handbook to understand its policies on personal leaves of absence. Determine if you will receive paid or unpaid leave. In some instances, you may receive a portion of your salary or wage while you’re gone.

Please ask your supervisor or an HR personnel member for clarification if necessary.

Step 3 – Write Your Absence Request

Write your request in letter format. Provide a reason for your request for an extended period of time off. Only share the information that you’re comfortable with. Offer a proposed start and end date for your leave.

State how you’ll be available, if applicable, while you’re away. If you won’t be able to respond to phone calls and emails or meet in person, specify this condition in your letter.

Step 4 – Follow Up

Prepare to discuss your request in person with your supervisor or whoever must approve the request. If your situation allows for it, be open to adjusting the terms of your leave so that you can increase your chances of receiving approval.

Read more about taking a leave of absence to facilitate a successful request.

What to Include in Your Leave of Absence Letter

Include the following elements in your letter:

If you discuss the request with your supervisor before writing your letter, you should reference the discussion date in the body of your letter to promote greater clarity.

Many employees write the majority of their correspondence through email. It’s acceptable to send this letter through email and keep the electronic verification of its receipt.

Time Off Request Form vs. Leave of Absence Letter

While some people may use the terms “time-off request form” and “leave of absence letter” interchangeably, they have distinct differences to be aware of:

AspectTime-Off Request FormLeave of Absence Letter
PurposeFor short-term absences (sick days, vacation days, PTO)For longer-term absences (sabbaticals, family leave, medical leave)
LengthThe time off granted ranges from a few hours to a few days (sometimes weeks)The time off granted ranges from several weeks to months
Approval ProcessUsually less complex; only requires approval from one managerUsually more intricate; may require additional documentation and approval from multiple parties
FormalityLess formal (can be submitted as a short email or request form)More formal (includes a detailed letter with supporting documentation)
ContentIncludes minimal information, such as the requested time offIncludes more in-depth information, such as the reason for the absence and coverage arrangements
NotificationRequires notifying just a supervisor or managerMay require notifying HR and other departments (depending on the reason for the leave)

Example Leave of Absence Letter

Here is an example leave of absence letter for an employee requesting a leave of absence to take care of his wife:

Gregory and Smith Accounting
313 Oak St., Minneapolis, MN

Please accept this letter as my formal request for a leave of absence. My leave is due to the need to care for my wife, who will be recovering from a total knee replacement surgery.

I am requesting two weeks of leave, from August 9, 2024, to August 23, 2024.

If my leave of absence is approved, I will be available to assist with any questions by phone or email.

Please let me know if you have any questions and an appropriate time for us to discuss the terms of my leave of absence.

Sample Leave of Absence Letter

Download a leave of absence letter template in PDF or Word format below: