Good decisions come from good data

This comes from deed offices across the country, including purchase information.

Contact & Demographic Data

These are self-reported through various forms consumers fill out.

Cole also gets data from:

47+ Million Landlines 50+ Million Cell Numbers 100+ Million Emails 132+ Million Unique Addresses


How good is our data?

Proprietary validation + regular updates = data you can trust

Our data gives subscribers powerful data for prospecting with hyper-local, neighborhood campaigns. Additionally, the substantial depth of our data powers large national technologies.

200+ Million Customers that are 18+ 400 Consumer attributes (demographic, automobiles, etc) 7.5 Million Business with 50+ million employees 10 Business attributes 16 Million Contact points (landline, email, cells)


Rooftop lat/long coverage


Address accuracy based on CASS USPS standards


​​What kinds of data do we have?

Amongst the 400+ attributes we offer, they are categorized into personal and property residential info.

Residential Personal Info

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Residential Property Info

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How do we validate our data?

Cole uses a proprietary 9-step validation process to provide high-value prospects.

For Example:

To validate home demographic information, we validate current occupants at the location and remove adult children or seniors associated with the address that are not primary decision-makers.


Cole gives you quality over quantity.


How regularly do we update our data?

Cole does a full database update every quarter.

Cole gives you fresh, accurate data

Cole’s data is maintained at:


How good is our data?

Proprietary validation + regular updates = data you can trust

Our data gives subscribers powerful data for prospecting with hyper-local, neighborhood campaigns. Additionally, the substantial depth of our data powers large national technologies.

300 Million Residential Record 55 Million Commercial record


Cell phone coverage




Contact coverage within a home

Cole strives to respect consumer privacy

Our clients can access the DNC flag simply by registering at the FTC DNC and entering their ID, SAN, region, and expiration date within any Cole product.

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Cole provides powerful, customizable data you can trust

© 2024 Cole Information

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It only takes a few minutes to see how we can help you maximize your prospecting strategy!

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Data Management

Real Estate

Home Services



Choose Your Industry:

Real Estate


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Call us to learn more about team pricing.

It only takes a few minutes to see how we can help you maximize your prospecting strategy!

A man smiling at his computer

Call us to learn more about team pricing.

It only takes a few minutes to see how we can help you maximize your prospecting strategy!

Our databases need to be accurate, compliant and updated.

Because of the specific use of our data, we work with our providers to take extra steps to validate data at the household level. Our providers take core data-quality processing measures, such as deceased suppressions, NCOA, and CASS.

What makes Cole’s data industry-leading is the additional steps taken to validate millions of data points to a specific household. A “validation code” is created based on sourcing information at the core of our build process. Out of our 300+ million records, this code determines what record Cole’s products display to our customers.

For example, Cole’s validation methodology comprises over 20 steps that verify the address occupant to more than three data sources to process the logic of handling three different surnames at the same address.