The Notary Services Receipt Template is a useful tool in proving that an approved payment for a notarization was submitted to the Notary Public. It is fair to mention this does not prove that a notarization has taken place (unless such a fact is clearly documented) but it does prove the payment was accepted by the Notary Public. The basic facts surrounding the payment will need to be input throughout the template, it should then be signed by the Client, and both Parties should make sure to retain a record (with the original retained by the Notary Service).
Step 1 – Use The Page Items To Download The Notary Services Receipt Template
The Notary service Receipt Template this page displays in the preview image can be saved using the “Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Word (.docx)” links on this page. The “PDF” button or “Word” button.
Step 2 – Introduce The Notary Public Accounting For The Received Payment
The “Company Name” field at the beginning of the receipt refers to the Notary completing this receipt to verify the Client’s payment. Populate this field with the Business Name, Professional Name, or “Company Name” of the Notary Public. Continue to the second request for information in the first section. The blank line labeled “Name” is set here to display the Notary Public Office Employee handling and issuing this receipt.
The mailing address the Notary Public (behind this receipt) monitors for communication and notices should be placed directly below its identity. Thus, furnish the “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” line.
Every mailing address has been given a postal code by the Post Office to aid in its direction during transit therefore you must furnish this “Zip Code” to the next line down.
Other contact options should be delivered with the address above. This material can be dispensed to the line with the label “Phone” and the final blank line in this section (“E-Mail”). Record the Notary’s contact information on these two final lines.
Step 3 – Supply The Notarization’s Filing Information
The receipt number the Notary Public Office generated and attached to the payment submitted is the next point of discussion. Produce this material for filing as it was generated by the Notary Public Office on the “Receipt #” line. The “Date” of the notarization’s payment should be input to the blank line on the right. Notice the horizontal bar these two items are recorded will pair the “Receipt #” and “Date” visually for easier reference in the future.
Step 4 – Furnish The Receipt With The Notary Customer’s Information
The Notary Public Client paying for the notarization being discussed should be identified. This will also aid in the Notary Public Office’s efforts in keeping track of its Client records as well as deliver the credit of payment to the proper Party. Thus, identify the Notary Public Client by “Name” on the blank line directly under the bold title “Customer/Client Information.” The “Street Address” line that follows as well as the “City, State, Country” line below it expects the Notary Public Client’s mailing address produced to aid in verifying the Client’s identity.
It will be important to also record the “Zip Code” for the Notary Public Client’s address. Do so, on the line on the fourth blank line in the “Customer/Client Information” section.
The blank lines below the Notary Public Client’s address should be tended with this Client’s cell number, home number, or work number and email address. The line labeled “Phone” will accept the former item while the “E-mail” line expects a record of the latter one.
Step 5 – Discuss The Notarization Appointment
The table displayed shown in the center of this receipt is the staging area for the Notary Public’s “Description” of the office services the Client paid for along with the dollar values that contributed to the notarization’s total cost. The “Description” box set on the left side of this table provides enough room to account for the notary services paid for. This entry can relate the date(s) and time(s) of notarization and relevant information such as the title of the notarized document, how many pages were notarized, and any other information both the Notary Public Office and the Client believe a relevant reference point.
Step 6 – Attach The Notarization’s Pricing Schedule And Costs
The second column tilted as the notarization’s “Amount” requests a few items. The first of which is the base cost of notarization. Report this requested dollar value directly under the word “Amount.” Some receipts will list multiple dollars amounts in the previous text-box while others may display only one cost. In either case, perform a courtesy report by combining all the requested notarization payment amounts to a sum then produce this sum as the notarization’s “Subtotal” in the next text-box down. Keep in mind this field expects the dollar “Amount” you list here to be synonymous with the one above. Thus, if Notary Public Office listed only one cost, re-enter it in “Subtotal.”
Some notary services may have been discounted for the Client. If so, list the “Discount” in the next box down.
Unless the Notary Public Office is producing documents and other physical materials, a sales “Tax” will not usually need to be applied, however, if the Notary Public must charge a service “Tax” then it must be listed separately. Subject the “Subtotal” to any applicable tax codes required at the point of sale, then supply the “Tax” amount in the text field with this label.
Finally, the notarization’s “Subtotal” should have any “Discount” subtracted then accept the relevant “Tax” to be added. This resulting dollar value must be the submitted payment of the Client for this receipt since it will be the notary service’s “Total” cost.
Step 7 – Furnish Additional Notes Of Discussion As Needed
The “Notes” section following the table is a matter of convenience and can be left unattended or populated with the word “None.” However, if this receipt should make any notarization disclosures, conditions, or reports not discussed thus far then this area is available to receive such material.
Step 8 – Supplement The State Of Fact’s Language For This Receipt
In addition to the preliminary sections, the table, and the optional “Notes” section this receipt shall include a statement that sets the notarization payment as a written statement. Find the blank line after the starting words of the declaration (“The Total Amount…”). The second portion of this written statement seeks the full name of the Notary Public Client reported on it. Produce this information just before the words “The Customer…”
The final area of this sentence requests a production of the payment date. Submit this in a standard date format that shows the month, day, and year.
Step 9 – Assign The Correct Payment Type To Received Funds
The final part of this receipt that requires attention discusses how the payment was made. Discussing the type of payment submitted in the “Payment Method” section can be imperative to retaining payment. A good example is a credit card. If the Notary Public Client paid with a credit card, then select the first checkbox on the left below the words “Payment Method.” This checkbox corresponds to the “Credit Card” label which requests a record of the credit card number used to be produced on the blank line provided. When the Notary Public Client pays by check, mark the “Check No.” box. Also, make sure to produce the I.D. number on the check face to the blank line on display.
Notice the first choice on the right does not come with a blank line requesting information. This checkbox will indicate a “Cash” payment was submitted as a full payment.
The previous checkbox labels all noted popular methods of payment accepted by nearly every Notary Public Office, however, if the Client affected payment by some “Other” means, select the second checkbox on the right then produce the details needed to identify payment on the blank line that follows the label.
Step 10 – Require The Notary Customer To Sign This Receipt
The Notary Public Client who has paid the above “Total” must sign the “Customer’s Authorized Signature” line so that this receipt is considered a valid record of payment. Make sure this signature is obtained then release a copy for his or her records before filing the original.
Step 1 – Save The Notary Services Receipt From This Page As An Excel File
The Excel file on this page, obtained through the link “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” or the “Excel” button, allows a Notary Public Office to document its received payments through a Notary Services Receipt Template. Save this file to your machine using one of the mentioned page items.
Step 2 – Introduce The Notary Public Office
The Notary Public serving this receipt with information must be identified by the Office logo and “Company Name.” To this end, populate cell A1 (labeled as “Add Your Company Logo Here”) with the Notary Public Office’s logo and cell A2 with this Business Entity’s name. The second “Name” requested in this column should be placed in cell a3, after the label this field contains. Furnish the “Name” of the Notary Public or Office Employee in charge of this receipt.
Continue with a few entries to dispense the Notary Public Office’s business address. Cell A4 (“Street Address”) requires the Notary Public Office’s first address line while cell A5 (or “City, State, Country”) expects the Notary Public Office’s second address line.
Cell A6 is set aside to receive the Notary Public Office’s formal “Zip Code.”
The two cells closing the Notary Public Office’s introduction expect its “E-mail” address and “Phone” number entered. Produce this Office information to these cells as requested.
Step 3 – Produce The Notary’s Filing Content
The filing information for the notarization payment should be recorded to this receipt in a noticeable area. Thus, turn your attention to the right-hand area of the header. Cell F3 of this section must be used to display the notarization’s “Receipt #” of payment. Record the “Date” of the notarization payment in cell H3 as an additional measure of record-keeping and as supporting information for the fact that payment was submitted.
Step 4 – Identify The Notarization Client
The Notarization Client who has paid for this process should be assigned the credit of payment by documenting his or her identity in the field with the “Name” label in the “Customer/Client Information” section. Find this label in cell 11. The next few cells here seek a display of the Notarization Client’s address to be entered to their fields. Follow the “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” labels through cells A12, A13, and A14 to produce this information where it is requested.
Complete this presentation of the Notarization Client by documenting the “E-Mail” address and “Phone” number where he or she is reachable in cells A15 and A16.
Step 5 – Discuss The Notarization That Required Client Payment
The notarization at this receipt concerns should be documented in the first cell in the receipt table presented by the sheet you are working on. Notice the “Description” title calls attention to cell A19 as the display area where the notarization facts may be detailed. Generally, this is the title, date, and the number of pages in the document subjected to this process however, any information relevant to the Notary Public’s services or products being paid for may be listed. If required, you may enter more than one billable notary service or production here.
Step 6 – Furnish Notarization Amounts The Total Payment Consisted Of
The cell bearing the “Amount” heading is the first of several that will explain the final notarization costs. Produce a detail of all requested payments according to the original pricing schedule the Notary applied in cell H19. Do not include or apply any benefits such as discounts or any impositions such as taxes to the dollar value(s) entered here. The “Subtotal” of the notarization cost(s) above should be represented as the combined total of all values entered in the “Amount” field (even if only one entry was made). Cell H20 must be used to house the notarization’s “Subtotal.”
As mentioned earlier, the original notarization costs may have been discounted when they were paid for or during the final amount’s calculation. If a dollar value was discounted to benefit the Notarization Client, then record it in cell H21 (labeled “Discount”).
The next cell in column H is attached to the label “Tax.” Since most notarizations do not involve the production or the sale of a physical material and are only a service performed on an item already possessed by the Client, a sales “Tax” will rarely be applicable. Some cases however may require a service “Tax” depending on the Office’s billable services. Input any such “Tax” in cell H22.
The next topic is the final one for this table. Here the “Total” paid must be shown to the Client and must be explainable as the discounted notarization’s “Subtotal” amount plus any taxes requiring payment. Enter this notarization’s “Total” in cell H23.
Step 7 – Discuss The Submitted Notarization Payment
The facts surrounding this payment should be stated in writing. Cell A24 achieves this task with some basic language that is set save for some bracketed items that must be replaced. The first is the bracketed dollar sign. Replace it with the amount that was paid by the Notarization Client. The second bracketed item here also requires replacement and will need to have the Notarization Client’s full “Name” entered on it.
The notarization’s payment “Date” is should be placed as the final item to complete this statement. Remove this set of brackets to type in the payment “Date.”
Step 8 – Discuss The Type Of Payment Supplied
Cell A26, displaying the “Payment Method” label, calls attention to the checkbox list of choices below it as a definition to how the above payment was delivered. One or more of these labeled items may be used to define payment. Any of the labels that define the payment should be marked to be selected. Thus, when a credit card is submitted, choose the checkbox in cell A27, and enter the “Credit Card No.” used by the Notarization Client. The “Check No.” label will require that the ledger number on a check submitted for payment be produced in the space provided and that the checkbox in cell A28 is marked. Leave this cell unattended if a check was not used to pay the notarization “Total.”
Cell F27 can be used to name the payment as a “Cash” payment by marking the checkbox it presents.
Should the Notarization Client deliver the “Total” payment with some other type delivery method, then the checkbox of cell F28 should be marked and this payment delivery method reported after the word “Other.”
Step 9 – Require The Notarization Client’s Signature
The signature line at the bottom of the receipt requests the “Customer’s Authorized Signature” presented as a display of the Notarization Client’s acceptance of the “Total” charges and the approval required for payment to complete. The original should be kept with the Notary Public while a copy or second original should be dispensed to the Notarization Client.